Save Time & Money While Improving Customer Communication
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*as featured on Fox Business News*
Save Time & Money While Improving Customer Communication
Taking Business Communication to the Next Level

Mass Marketing
reach all customers & prospects instantly

Improves Customer Service
streamlines your communication

Kiss Phone Tag Goodbye
real time conversations

Coupons & Promos
text your customers "deals" drive sales today

Export Data With One Click
manage & measure effectiveness

SMS Archived For 10 Years
with conversations archived
10 years for your protection

Mobile App
communicate anywhere anytime

Import All Customers
which saves you time
Why should Businesses Text?

Be More Efficient & Effective in Your Customer Communication
Connect, Communicate, Cultivate Your Clients Today!
Be More Efficient & Effective in Your Customer Communication
Connect, Communicate, Cultivate Your Clients Today!
Don't Get LeftBehind
Don’t let your competition run laps around you, your business, and your profits. Business text customers interact with their customers immediately.
Upgrade Your Business Communication
Texting is the new way to communicate. Stay ahead of the curve.
Stop Wasting Time & Money
Don’t pay your employees to chase your clients using antiquated technology. Text advertising is the wave of the future.
Automated System &Solution
Texting is easy, instant, and reaches your customer in the way they want.
Available on all devices

Textmaxx Pro has been a vital partner to the downtown Sarasota Alliance.
As a small nonprofit, we have a limited budget and a huge mission. In the middle of the COVID crisis, Textmaxx Pro was even more attuned to the needs of our constituents. They work tirelessly to make sure the DSA properly annunciate its vision and message to its constituents. The professional staff at Textmaxx Pro found creative ways to maximize our budget to create impact among our community. The team has a great grasp of what is relevant, and their vigilance for what matters is exemplary.
The Textmaxx Pro platform is a highly effective tool in communicating directly with our members about time sensitive issues and updates. The read and response rates are impressive. Texting has become one of the most effective ways we reach our audience.
Textmaxx Pro has been great for us. We have always had trouble getting customers to respond when we have contacted them. Now with Textmaxx Pro they respond right away. I highly recommend Textmaxx Pro to any business that needs to communicate with their clients.
We were having difficulties reaching our customers over the phone. Since we started using Textmaxx Pro, we have seen a substantial increase in our customer responses. I would recommend Textmaxx Pro to anyone as this is a great tool in contacting your customers.