Auto Dealers
Put Business Texting To Work For Your Dealership
Business Texting For Fast, Easy Client Communication
Do you ever wonder what percentage of your clients actually see the emails you send them before they round-file them forever? Are you looking for a way to hook your busy clientele quickly and easily to inform them of important information? Business texts are the next wave of communication, putting your messages in front of an active audience who are innately drawn to checking text messages. It’s extremely difficult for people not to check their texts, so visibility is virtually guaranteed. And with Textmaxx Pro, we’ll help keep you informed of best practices while texting to keep your audience engaged.

You can use business texting to:
- Send service reminders for clients and help them schedule those appointments
- Use keyword to short code campaigns for your current marketing, such as ‘Text “CARS” to 95000 to receive our no down-payment offer!’
- Spend time in one-on-one conversations that ease your sales process
- Broadcast current and upcoming specials to your customer base
Business texting is catching on and more and more businesses are seeking out the opportunity to use texting to communicate deals, specials, set up appointments and so much more. Texting is the way that our customers are communicating, by and large, so it makes sense to communicate with them on a platform they already know and love. It might even get them to appreciate you a little more.