If You Do Not Have a Texting Strategy — You Should: 90% of Consumer Prefer Texting Businesses

If You Do Not Have a Texting Strategy — You Should: 90% of Consumer Prefer Texting Businesses

Everyone texts today. If you go out to lunch, you’ve likely texted multiple people before you get back to work. Texting prospects and existing customers is essential for business success. However, there is good news, but there’s also GREAT news.

First, only 14% of business have text message strategy for marketing, advertising, and communicating with customers. So putting a text strategy in place will put you ahead of your competitors. The GREAT news is, Textmaxx Pro has a low-cost, totally compliant platform to assist you in maintaining an advantage in the marketplace. Remember, 99% of text recipients get the message, and 90% read the text within three minutes!

At Textmaxx Pro we can help you think through and adopt the best texting practices and strategies for your business — and we mean any business. Call or text us for a free consultation. We will assist in:

• Text enabling your business landline
• Stopping employees using personal phones for business texts
• Text marketing customers with the right message
• Engaging business prospects and converting them into buyers
• Positioning your SMS texting strategy to deliver results with measurable ROI

We have built SMS/MMS strategies for all types of business across the country. Call 866.367.6889 or text “PROS” to 95000. One of our SMS Strategy Specialists will arrange a free consultation for you.

Mobile Texting Technology Now Among Most Powerful Communications Tools

Mobile Texting Technology Now Among Most Powerful Communications Tools

We are all presented with more information on a daily basis than ever before. Given all the new devices pushing information to cloud-based services from smartphones, televisions, computers, refrigerators and cars, more data has been generated in the past three years than in all of human history, according to a recent study.

Phone calls, voicemail, email, mail, and a constant stream of information presents itself at least every hour of every day, if not more. Technology has fundamentally changed the way human beings communicate with each other and our things. Businesses who advertise and market to consumers are now faced with the challenge of getting noticed against the constant flow of information to the clients and prospects they want to reach, especially because these people are constantly on the move.

Here are some stats: Some 88 percent of business calls go unanswered. Only 18 percent of people listen to voicemails from phone numbers they don’t recognize, and only 33 percent listen to voicemails of business contacts. Of the 200 billion emails sent every day, 84 percent are considered spam, and 55 percent of all email users say they don’t open and read messages regularly or for business.

Texting, however, has caught up with face-to-face conversation. In a face-to-face meeting, people respond to a question within fractions of seconds. Texting is now a far-closer second than any other form of digital communication. 93 percent of SMS messages are read within 10 minutes and a return text is usually sent within 20 minutes.

Businesses have been slow to react to this powerful communication transformation. Only 14 percent of businesses employ a texting platform to communicate with clients and prospects, and with their own employees. Developing a fully legal and regulatory compliant strategy to use this powerful communication tool will give a business a competitive advantage in the marketplace.

Textmaxx Pro has helped hundreds of businesses across North America to put this technology to use with an easy-to-use, customizable platform with no long-term commitments. Call us at 866.367.6889 for more information, or shoot us a text to the same number! You’ll get a quick response!

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